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For more information regarding the curriculum at Pennine View please contact Kayleigh Cousins, Deputy Headteacher, on 01709 864978.

Pennine View School is a specialist provision for Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 4 children and young people with an Education Health and Care Plan. The predominant pupil needs across our school community are Moderate Learning Difficulties, Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Speech Language and Communication Needs. We are based in Doncaster, although we also have pupils from local neighbouring boroughs.

Our youngest pupils are just beginning to learn to read and write when they start at Pennine View and we support them to be able to achieve Entry Level certification in English and Maths Functional Skills by the time they leave Year 11.

Our Pennine View School curriculum is carefully developed to match the context of our school, to build on learning from home and previous mainstream education and to meet our aims and values:

Learn – enabling all learners to increase their knowledge and understanding of the world

Enjoy – the right to receive a broad and balanced, high quality, personalised learning programme which generates enjoyment of learning

Achieve – encouraging all learners to be the best they can be

Respect – for one another and our environment

Nurture – implementing the highest levels of care and concern at all times

At Pennine View School we believe in:

  • Providing exciting, rich and challenging learning opportunities
  • Promoting independence and confidence
  • Our learners having their own voice and making their own decisions
  • Working together to ensure our children and their families are at the centre of everything we do

Curriculum Statement

Intent - What are we trying to achieve through our curriculum?

Implementation - How is our curriculum delivered?

Core Learning

Subject Learning

Life Learning 

Class Groups

Impact - What difference does our curriculum make?

Music Development Plan