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Intent – What are we trying to achieve through our curriculum?

‘One of the first steps on the civic journey is the education system.  Education should help young people become active citizens once they understand their role within society and how they can go about improving it.’

The Ties that Bind – House of Lords Report on Citizenship 2018.

 Our Pennine View Curriculum is designed to match the context of our school, to build on learning from home and previous mainstream education and to meet the needs of our pupils so that they can be recognised as global citizens. Our Pennine View Curriculum includes the statutory elements at a level appropriate to the stage and age of our pupils and it is centred around the essential knowledge and skills that our pupils need.  It is a broad and rich programme of education which supports the development of functional academic learning, discovers talents and interests and secures positive communication and interaction skills, which we consider to be vital ingredients to be successful in later life.

Relationships are key at Pennine View; we ensure that pupils feel safe and happy, so that they are ready to learnenjoy and achieve.

Our Curriculum prepares our pupils for adulthood:

  • Is rooted in the real world
  • Teaches pupils knowledge and skills to manage their own life and to develop positive relationships with others
  • Is an introduction to local, national and global world issues
  • Gives pupils a voice
  • Shows pupils the world of work
  • Challenges pupils views and extends their ideas
  • Teaches pupils how to positively and respectfully challenge others views
  • Gives pupils a wide range of experiences
  • Helps pupils to believe that they can make a positive difference
  • Helps pupils to embrace differences through accepting and celebrating our individuality

We also support pupils to be ready for tests so they can achieve accreditation to help them in their transition to Post 16 opportunities.

Our pupils are taught to embrace, enrich and celebrate their own beliefs and those of others, accepting these may be different, within the context of their school community, their local area and far beyond. Ultimately, we want our pupils to be well-informed so that they can be positive role models to influence those around them as they transition into adulthood.