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Pupil Parliament

On 5th November 2021, we introduced Pupil Parliament to our pupils. Classes spent the day doing various tasks and activities that included learning about:

  • What and where Parliament is
  • Who works in Parliament
  • What people in Parliament do
  • The House of Commons and the House of Lords
  • How the UK Government is elected and how often

All our pupils were then given the opportunity to become an MP for their class, and it was explained that each class would elect two members to the Pennine View Pupil Parliament. Pupils then spent the remainder of the day beginning to design their election campaigns and a speech which would be read out in front of local MP Nick Fletcher and their class the following week. After hearing the speeches, each class would then vote to elect members to the Pupil Parliament.

To read more about what members have been working on once they were elected, click on the below sections. 

Pupil Parliament 2021-22

Pupil Parliament 2022-23