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General Information


Please ring school if your child is absent for any reason or if they have any appointments which mean they will be late or have to leave school early. You must ring school every day of your child’s absence. If anyone different is collecting your child, you must also let us know.  Tel school: 01709 864978

School Uniform (Please label clearly with your child’s name) 

Dark trousers/skirt/dress, white shirt/polo shirt or black shirt/polo shirt, black sweatshirt/cardigan or fleece and dark shoes.

Hoodies are not part of our school uniform and pupils will be asked to remove hoodies when they are inside. 

Breakfast Club

We have a breakfast club every morning at school.  All pupils are offered toast during morning registration.


If you want your child to have milk at school it is your responsibility to complete the form which is provided in every new starter pack. Alternatively, you can contact Cool Milk on 0800 142 2972 or

If your child is entitled to free school meals they can also have free school milk, but you must register your details with Cool Milk on the number or website above.

Schools Meals

School meals are served between 12.30pm and 1.30pm.  The cost of a school meal is £3.50 per day.  Dinner money must be sent at the start of each week in an envelope with your child’s name clearly marked on.

Lower School: lunch time 12:30 – 12:55
Lower School: break time 12:55 – 13:15
Upper School: break time 12:30 – 12:55
Upper School: lunch time 12:55 – 13:15

If your child has any special dietary requirements or food allergies, let us know so that our school cook can accommodate your child’s dietary requirements.

The latest school menu can be downloaded by clicking here.

Parent Pay

To pay for school meals and school trips / activities, we use ParentPay. We are willing to help any family get set up on ParentPay. If you are not registered, please contact the school office and we will be happy to help you.

Class Dojo 

As a school, we use Class Dojo as a communication tool to keep families, staff and governors up to date with what is happening. Login codes are given to parent of new children as they join the school.

House Teams 

We have a House Teams system which is linked to Class Dojo.
We have four house teams…

BLUE DOJO – Investigators
RED DOJO – Creators
GREEN DOJO – Explorers
YELLOW DOJO – Inventors

Each pupil is assigned a House Team when they join the school. House Points are awarded for good work and following our school rules. Reward activities for the House Team that earns the most points occur every half-term.