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Pupil Parliament 2021-22

Once all the votes had been cast and counted, we were able to announce who had been elected to our Pennine View Pupil Parliament. It was fantastic to see all our pupils celebrate the election results and support our newly elected Pennine View Pupil Parliament. On 12th December, we welcomed Nick Fletcher MP for Don Valley into our school to talk about his role as an MP. All week, pupils had been campaigning for the chance to become a Pennine View MP. Class candidates delivered their campaign speeches infront of Nick and their classes. They were sensational!

Following all the sensational speeches in front of their classes and Nick Fletcher MP, it was time for all pupils to vote for their favourite class candidates who would represent them as a Pennine View MP this year. Exciting times!

Once all the votes had been cast and counted, we were able to announce who had been elected to our Pennine View Pupil Parliament. It was fantastic to see all our pupils celebrate the election results and support our newly elected Pennine View Pupil Parliament.

Our Pupil Parliament met for the first time on Monday 6th December and this was a fantastic meeting with Robin class joining us virtually from The Bridge. Our elected Members of Parliament were a credit to their classes and their first order of business was to help create a Pupil Parliament Charter about how they would interact and work with one another.

The members were very keen to know what all students think about our school and any areas that they can help to improve. They worked as a team to help create some questions and these have now been shared with class teachers so that teachers can complete this electronically with every student next week. The Pupil Parliament will then look at the responses to these in the New Year, exciting times!

Our first Pupil Parliament meeting of 2022 took place in January and members agreed on the Pennine View Pupil Parliament Charter from the previous meeting and looked at the results of the student voice activity. They looked at what suggestions would make our school better. Lots of fabulous ideas, especially the idea of a school dog.

Another fabulous Pupil Parliament meeting took place on the 25th February. Members have cast their vote on which member they would like to elect to the Nexus Trust Parliament. Our members also brought ideas from their classes to discuss. They were also excited to see that their lanyards had arrived.

Our Pupil Parliament members were pleased to see that their new board had been updated this week after their latest meeting. We can’t wait to see what they achieve next!

Our Pupil Parliament members were excited to welcome Miss Mulhall to their meeting today. It was great to hear our members debating, voting and presenting ideas to Miss Mulhall. Issues discussed included plans for new lunchtime clubs along with the possibility of a school dog.

Another brilliant Pupil Parliament meeting took place in June. It was amazing to see our young people having the confidence to speak in front of their peers & sharing ideas, suggestions & proposals. Eco-Schools was launched by the Pupil Parliament & tasked members with looking at an aspect of Environmental Review.

The first meeting of the Trust Parliament met on 14th July 2022, and it was great to see us represented. It was amazing to hear of all the brilliant experiences and opportunities that have been happening within our schools. It was a pleasure to hear young people talking and sharing ideas so eloquently and confidently.