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Subject Learning

Science teaches our pupils to develop curiosity, knowledge and the skills to question and investigate the world in which they live. Science lessons provide pupils with engaging and relevant first-hand practical experiences, aiming to stimulate and promote curiosity in a safe environment, where pupils feel confident to communicate and aren’t afraid to question and explore. Science is taught by class teachers at Key Stage 2, under the guidance of the subject leader. Year 7/8 pupils receive an hour of science lessons per week, being taught by the science specialist in the science laboratory. Upper School pupils receive between one hour and two and a half hours of science per week depending on the qualification route taken, delivered by the specialist science teacher in the science laboratory.

Design and Technology aims to inspire pupils through a broad range of practical experiences to create innovative designs which solve real and relevant problems within a variety of different contexts. Opportunities are provided for pupils to evaluate key events and individuals who have helped shape the world, showing the real impact of design and technology on the wider environment and helping to inspire pupils to become the next generation of innovators. DT is taught by the specialist DT teacher in the DT workshop. 

PE is taught by the specialist PE teacher in the specialist Sports Hall or outside pitches. All pupils have a 90 minute lesson per week as part of a coherently planned sequence of lessons. Our intention is to develop a lifelong love of physical activity, sport and PE in all young people. We aim to help ensure a positive and healthy physical and mental outlook in the future and help young people to develop essential skills like leadership and teamwork.

Geography provides learners with opportunities to learn about and from our world. The Geography curriculum is sequenced to ensure it is progressive in knowledge and skill. The substantive and disciplinary knowledge and concepts are mapped to ensure they allow opportunities for the learners to build on and apply previous learning. Key vocabulary has been matched to each unit of Geography and is built upon. Staff use knowledge organisers to help ensure key knowledge and vocabulary is understood.

History provides learners with opportunities to learn about important people, events and time periods. The History curriculum is sequenced to ensure it is progressive in knowledge and historical skill. The substantive and disciplinary knowledge and concepts are mapped to ensure they allow opportunities for the learners to build on and apply previous learning. Key vocabulary has been matched to each unit of History and is built upon. Staff use knowledge organisers to help ensure key knowledge and vocabulary is understood.

Our RE curriculum includes learning about and from world religions. It is underpinned by understanding and celebrating difference, ensuring respect. The curriculum intent is to make sure that children understand the relevance of RE in today’s modern world and how it affects our lives.

Music is delivered mostly by outside providers such as DARTS at Key Stage 2 and is taught through Enrichment opportunities at Upper School.  Music appreciation, creation and performance also takes place through our Year 7 and 8 classes. The creative arts have such a significant impact on all our lives and are fundamentally part of who we are.  It is therefore vital that pupils develop the skills to engage with music and follow their passions