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Careers and Enterprise Programme

Our Pennine View careers curriculum is carefully constructed to support our pupils to be successful citizens when they leave us, to be able to make informed decisions to enhance their life and the lives of those around them. We want to empower our pupils to take on the world.

At Pennine View School, careers education, information, advice and guidance is a priority in ensuring our young people leave with the right tools and values to help prepare them for adulthood. We support pupils to consider their future options, realise their potential and decide how their skills and experiences fit with opportunities in the job market. We prepare pupils for their preferred transitional pathway that is to continue with further education, training and we use a person-centred approach in our delivery method. We are fully committed to our statutory and moral obligation to provide a holistic careers service to pupils identified in Year 7 onwards, highlighting the vocational and academic routes to their preferred careers path. We work closely with the Local Authority due to the vulnerable nature of our pupils who all have special educational needs and disabilities, with Education, Health and Care Plans in place, ensuring that we know of all the services available to support pupils, to access these and share this knowledge amongst our community.

We are committed to reducing the number of 16-19 year olds who are not in education, employment or training (NEETs) by ensuring this strategy is embedded in our practices.

Our Pennine View careers curriculum is underpinned by the Career Development Framework focussing and identifying on six areas of learning that facilitate positive careers and lifelong career development.

Careers Lead Name:
Carl Cousins

Careers lead contact details:

Career Policy - Pennine View School 

Provider Access

Careers Programme

Pupil Area - Careers

Parents/Carers Area - Careers

Employers Area - Careers

Teacher Area - Careers

Post 16 choices

Post 16 Event - May 2023

Work Experience

Award Winners